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Thailand’s Leading Tarot Reader and Fortune


On the Path of Buddhist Life amid the Waves of Superstition

Like beauty, happiness and success are in the eye of the beholder. Regardless of the path, the first step startsfrom faith or belief. Every life goal, every success, and every happy ending needs unwavering faith and belief whether in the divine power or in yourself. But when there’s too much of it, it has become superstition based on blind faith.

As Thailand’s leading Tarot reader and Chinese astrologer, Khatha Chinnabunchon (also called Master Khatha), he is one of the most trusted names for those seeking an explanation behind their plight and a solution to their problems. Apart from his in-depth knowledge, Master Khatha’s popularity also comes from straightforward style when reading the cards and giving advice.

Beneath his public persona as one with extensive knowledge on superstition (lucky numbers, fengshui, astrology and many more), Master Khatha is a Buddhist at heart and strictly adheres to the Buddha’s teachings. He’s made it clear that while superstitious activities and beliefs can ease problems, it’s only temporary.

What he always tells his clients and fans is that any astrological readings are mere reflectionsof that person’s own past actions and personality traits and thus, should be referred as warnings and encouragements in navigating life because the future isn’t set in stone but changes according to present behaviors and actions.

Feng shui is one of your expertise. Does it really work? And how effective is it?

I never said it cannot fix life problems but let me tell you this. In China, the eight directions have different energy flows. For example, this kind of energy boosts cognitive function of those born in a particular year if they sleep with their heads toward this direction. But the result is the opposite for those born in different years; they might lose money or fall ill. When there’s a change in star alignment, the world also changed. What people in ancient times did was making records of the phenomenon and study the probability to create statistics out of them. And that’s not 100 percent accurate.

How difficult is it to get people to start saying a prayer and practicing meditation?

It’s sooooo easy because people believe in astrology more than religious teaching.

You often advice people to start chanting a prayer among the first thing if they want to change for the better. Why is that?

Imagine what happens when someone prays regularly. The body becomes calmer, so is the mind. In calmness, mental clarity and wisdom follow. For example, the earliest change is your shopping impulse should be less…once your brain is clear, you can come up with things that will make your life better, richer. See? But if I told you to stop the shopping spree, would you listen to me?

The full version is available in the 5000s magazine issue 60. Subscribe Now.

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